Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Its been awhile again, I apologize! Life just keeps me busy these days. Esp now that sweet girl has learned how to walk. She's pretty busy and I love watching her toddle across the room. Each wobbly step amazes me. I can't figure out how she maintains her balance as she lifts foot and her whole body weaves back and forth before placing it down again. Somehow she's figured out her own method and can make it across the house all on her own. Crawling is still preferred for speed but not for long I'm sure.
As she's getting older I'm slowly starting to give her some table foods. She's getting things like banana's, rice, avocados, tofu, Cheerios, potato's, pea's and ect for finger foods and she loves it. No 'tastes' of pop and ice cream... she is MUCH to little for that. So far my method has kept her healthy. No eczema, asthma or allergies all of which are linked to foods being introduced to early. Other things can cause these problems I know but I'm not taking any risks with her health. Luckily she's been healthy, in fact she is sick with her first bug ever right now at (almost) ten months of age.

As I introduce more foods into her diet I am starting to have to eat healthier myself being she is tasting things off my plate along with her baby food. No chicken nuggets for my kid. I'm experimenting with new recipes that are yummy for both of us along with easy on her tummy. Here is what I'm making for supper tonight... yummy!

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