Thursday, March 27, 2008

I'm off!

Well in just a few hours I will be off on my way to Peru! I'm so excited! My last few days here in Rochester have been hectic. Paper work, doctors appointments, trying to set up my next job assignment (yet to be decided upon) and packing have kept me running. On top of all that work was beyond busy on Thursday. Two of my girls and I went out for drinks Thursday night. Nothing like ending a hard shift and preparing for a big trip with some Perfect Margarita's! Well everything but my laptop is packed up and ready to go. I fly into Lima and than into Arequipa arriving Saturday early morning. I've got some long flights and layovers to look forward to tomorrow. So on my trip I plan on doing one week of adult open heart surgeries followed by one week of pediatric surgeries, I'll be managing the ventilators and post operative patients and of course I will be doing a LOT of education. I was informed that we will go into La Joya for a day and will also be spending some time at an orphanage that Cardiostart assists. A few dinners are planned along the way and also some time for me to just be a tourist. My camera is charged and sunblock ready. I'll try keep in touch along the way!

1 comment:

Britta said...

Yeah for Peru and Yeah for Errin's new blog! You're officially set up in my google reader... so write often.

Have a great trip.